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Madensky Square - pp 177-178

We went then to the roundabouts. He chose to ride not on a dappled horse - I had noticed already his dislike of horses -but on a swan. He enjoyed it, but he didn't want to go round again. It was an experience complete in itself.
Then came the Wurschtlmann. He's so famous the Prater is named for him and you can see why. A hideous rubber man with a red nose who, for a few kreutzer one can thump and pound and wallop to one's heart's content, knowing that he will right himself undamaged and come up for more. Give him a name - that of your mean-minded boss, your bullying commanding officer - and you can punch him insensible and walk away, purged.
'Would you like to have a go, Sigismund?'
Even before he shook his head I saw him instinctively shield his hands, hiding them behind his back - and that was the first time I remembered the concert.
In the end, though, the Prater is about the ferris wheel whose fame has spread throughout the Empire. It towers over everything else, its carriages take you a hundred metres into the sky. To be up there and look down on the city is to ride with the gods.
So I asked him: 'What about the giant wheel? Would you like to go on it ?'
His hand tightened in mine. A tremor passed over his face. She had not been frightened even at six years old, but the boy was scared.
'The view is very beautiful from the top. You can see all Vienna.'
He stood still in the middle of the path. He tilted his head and gave a small sniff.
'I want very much to be brave,' he said in his low, cracked voice. 'I very much want it.'
And suddenly it all dissolved - my long antagonism, my restraint, the resentment that I felt at being asked for what belonged only to my daughter. I saw him sitting beside his dead mother in the Polish forest, waiting for her to wake … Saw him wobbling on the Encyclopedia of Art, playing and playing because he could no longer talk. I remembered the silent patience with which he'd endured his uncle's bullying, saw the graze on his forehead of which he'd said no word.
And I knelt beside him and took him in my arms.
'You are brave, Sigi. You're very brave, my darling,' I said - and kissed him.
So now I can tell you this. They are entirely exact descriptions of what happens, those ones in the fairy tales which tell you what occurs when you kiss an ugly frog, a hairy beast, with proper love.Sigi didn't kiss me back or cling to me. He just straightened his shoulders and then in a calm, almost matter-of-fact voice, he said: 'Now we will go up,' - and then led me to the brightly painted carriages swaying high above our heads.
  Madensky Square

Near fragment in time

Um Indizien zu sammeln, wollte ich meine Großmutter besuchen und ging, da die Sonne schien, den Weg in die Heumühlgasse zu Fuß. Im Waldmüllerpark, und zwar in der Nähe des Friedhofs, wurde mir in frappanter Weise bewusst, wie groß die Kerzen an den Kastanienbäumen schon waren. Natürlich war mir das alle Jahre wieder aufgefallen, aber es war mir noch nie so bewußt geworden wie jetzt. Und dann hatte ich plötzlich das Bedürfnis, meine frühesten Erinnerungen nach meinem Vater zu durchsuchen.
pp 27 from Die keine Figur meines Vaters by Peter Henisch

Near fragment in space

Die Ansprachen dauerten eine kleine Ewigkeit. Die Sonne brannte erbarmungslos auf die Schaulustigen herab. Tausende waren an diesem heißen Julitag gekommen, um beim Eröffnungs-Spektakel dabei zu sein. Die wenigsten von ihnen konnten sich eine Fahrt mit dem Riesenrad leisten. Der Fahrpreis betrug heute am Eröffnungstag sechzehn Kronen, hatte Gustav auf einem Schild vor dem Kassenhäuschen gelesen. Für die meisten Leute war das mehr als ein Wochenlohn. Trotzdem waren die Wiener begeistert von diesem vierhundertdreißig Tonnen schweren Stahlbauwerk, das dreißig rote Kabinen in Bewegung setzen konnte.
Nachdem die Militärkapelle die Kaiserhymne "Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze unseren Kaiser, unser Land!" gespielt hatte, erklang zu Ehren der Ingenieure auch die britische Nationalhymne "God save the Queen". So manch österreichischer Patriot in den hinteren Reihen begann zu meckern. Gustav wusste, dass die Einzelteile in London angefertigt und in Wien an Ort und Stelle zusammengebaut worden waren. Seiner Meinung nach gebührte den Engländern zumindest ein kleines Dankeschön.
Nachdem der Kardinal-Erzbischof das Ungetüm gesegenet hatte, setze es sich langsam und schwerfällig in Bewegung. Unbeschreiblicher Jubel brach aus. Die Leute klatschten wie wild und renkten sich die Hälse aus, um einen Blick auf die ersten mutigen Fahrgäste zu erhaschen. Bei all dem Gedränge fiel es Gustav schwer, seinen guten Platz zu behaupten.
Ein Livrierter mit weißen Handschuhen öffente die Tür der Gondel, die vor den Ehrengästen zum Stillstand gekommen war.
pp 71-72 from Der Tod fährt Riesenrad by Edith Kneifl