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Hundegeschichte - pp 160
während unseres einzigen Nachspaziergangs durch den Türkenschanzpark macht sie sich plötzlich mit dem Gehabe des Aashundes ins Gebüsch davon und kein Gepfeife macht sie schuldbewußt-eilfertig aus den Zweigen kriechen, nach langem Suchen sehe ich sie ganz klein im Mondlicht am Teich sitzen und sich nicht rühren – hat dich ein einzigartiges Verbrechen am Tatort festgehalten, hast du mondscheinig Fuchsblut sich regen fühlen, ist es eine Wildente, ein Schwan, ein heiliges Eichkätzchen gewesen?
Near fragment in time
I have just made a complete fool of myself. I went to see Alice to tell her about Herr Huber's visit and on the way back I thought I saw across the width of the Kärntner Ring a figure that I recognized.
Yes, I was sure that I knew that soldier in the uniform of the Bohemian Dragoons with his slow gait and clumsy boots. I even thought I could smell across the heads of the fashionable crowd who promenaded there, the whiff of the raw onions that nothing can prevent Corporal Hatschek from chewing when he is off duty. And my heart raced, excitement coursed through me - and I lifted my skirts ready to hurry across the road.
But the Ringstrasse is wide, the hansom cabs are never in a hurry. By the time I'd reached the other side there was no sign of him.
I'd imagined him then. Conjured him up out of my deepest need. It's not the first time that I've run across the road like a homesick child towards this onion-chewing corporal and found he was a mirage. Well, so be it. There is only one cure for what ails me, and thank heaven I have it in abundance. Work.
pp 41 from Madensky Square by
Yes, I was sure that I knew that soldier in the uniform of the Bohemian Dragoons with his slow gait and clumsy boots. I even thought I could smell across the heads of the fashionable crowd who promenaded there, the whiff of the raw onions that nothing can prevent Corporal Hatschek from chewing when he is off duty. And my heart raced, excitement coursed through me - and I lifted my skirts ready to hurry across the road.
But the Ringstrasse is wide, the hansom cabs are never in a hurry. By the time I'd reached the other side there was no sign of him.
I'd imagined him then. Conjured him up out of my deepest need. It's not the first time that I've run across the road like a homesick child towards this onion-chewing corporal and found he was a mirage. Well, so be it. There is only one cure for what ails me, and thank heaven I have it in abundance. Work.
Near fragment in space
«[…] Dann der Lagler … weißt du was vom Lagler?“ „Sitzt. In Stein. Seit zirka zwei Jahren schon. Raub und Betrug. Der Trottel geht doch wirklich auf die Volksbank in der Gersthofer Straße, schiebt dem Kassier einen Zettel hin, auf dem Geld oder Bombe! Steht, räumt ordentlich ab, flüchtet, und weißt, was dann passiert? Der Zettel war sei‘ eigene Visitenkarten!»
pp 122 from Der Fall des Lemming by