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Veruntreute Geschichte. Die Wiener Salons und Literatencafés - pp 158-159

Die Obertimpflers stammten aus Südtirol und waren durch die mit ihnen verschwägerte Familie Speckbacher auch mit dem Freiheitskämpfer Andreas Hofer verwandt. Sie besaßen das legendäre Café Casa Piccola in der Mariahilferstraße, dessen Geschichte über die Biedermeierzeit weit hinausreichte. 1809 hatte hier Napoleons Kriegsrat getagt, 1820 trafen sich in einem versteckten Nebenraum die italienischen Geheimbündler "Carbonari", die für Italiens Befreiung von der habsburgerischen Herrschaft kämpften.
  Café Casa Piccola

Near fragment in time

At the beginning of this century, Vienna was home to a Jewish population of about 200,000 including unusually large concentrations of Turkish, Galician, Balkan, and Hungarian Jews. Synagogues proliferated to accommodate regional groups, graduation of orthodoxy, and craftsmen in special industries who formend their own congregations. The stylistic range in Viennese synagogues encompassed neoclassicsm (Seitenstettengasse), Moorish (Tempelgasse), a free mixture of massive art nouveau with Romanesque and Gothic detail (Pazmanitengasse), and timid modernistic (Hitzing-Eintelbergergasse). Of all these synagogues, numbering about sixty during the mid- 1930s, only one survived the second World War. That was the oldest, the „Tempel“in the Seitenstettengasse in central Vienna. It took a long time for the Jews to increase sufficiently in number and status to commission this building. There had been Jews in Vienna since the late twelfth century; the first synagogue, in St. Stephen´s parish, was mentioned in a document of 1204. Later thirteenth-century documents refer to this or other synagogues, and documents of 1406 and 14220 refer to the burning of synagogues. The document of 1420 describes the synagogue on the Judenplatz as having a men´s prayer hall, a women´s section linked to the men´s by a window, movable seats, and an area where oil was stored. In 1421 came the expulsion or burning of the few Jews who had not died during the program of the previous year.
pp 186 from Synagogues of Europe: Architecture, History, Meaning by Carol Herselle Krinsky

Near fragment in space

Le Schottenfeld, le Breitenfeld ainsi que la rue principale du Faubourg Mariahilf se distinguent particulièrement sous ce rapport. C'est en arrivant par cette rue que l'apercu, que la ville présente de ce côté est le plus surprenant pour le voyageur. On voit en en descendant la ponte la nouvelle porte du château, au-dessus de laquelle s'élèvent l'antique palais impérial, celui de l'Archiduc Charles, et le superbe Dôme de St. Etienne, qui les dépasse tous
pp 14 from Vienne dans son état actuel: Description succincte et portative de cette résidence, de ses curiosités et de ses environs by (none)